首页> 外文会议>Industrial waste conference >14 Investigation of fugitive emissions at bulk gasoline terminals

14 Investigation of fugitive emissions at bulk gasoline terminals




Fugitive voltaile organic compund (VOC) and hazardous air pllutant (HAP) emission from valves, pumps, and conectors ere investigated at two bulk gasoline storage terminals (A & B) in the Madison area. The purpose of the project was to determine whether or not the implementation of Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) programs, as proposed in the Neshap standard, will significantly reduce the total emissions from a facility. The valves, pumps, and connectors at both sites were screened with a portable VOC detector. WIth the screening results, estimated VOC emission rates wer calculated using three EPA approved methods; the Average Emission Factor Approach, Screenings Ranges Approach, and EPA Correlation Approach. In addition, fugitive samples were collected in order to determine the percentrage of HAPs in the fugitive VOC emissions. The samples were collcted on charcoal tubes, and analyzed by a gas chromatiograph. The results indicate that the estimated fugitive VOC and HAP emissions comprise less than 2.6



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