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Joint toxic actions of organic flocculating polymers: impact on whole effluent toxicity testing-part 3




Most states and/or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regions have adopted narrative water quality criteria requiring various forms of Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing as a component of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge criteria. Toxicity control, which is often regulated through costly and time-consuming Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) programs, is one of the most difficult problems that must be addressed by NPDES permittees. WET may be the result of a myriad of different sources, including unidentified wastewater contaminants discharged to municipal wastewater treatment plants or the result of manufacturing processes used by direct industrial dischargers. Toxocity, however, may also be the result of the use of chemical additives, such as coagulant aids, that are either refractory materials not degraded in the treatment process or toxic degradation products of these additives. In previous reports by Fort et al. and Fort and Stover, toxicological comparisons were made between cationic polymers and commonly used inorganic coagulant aids, including ferric chloride (FeCl_3) and alum (Al_2(SO_4)_3) based on results obtained by other investigators. Differences in toxicity due to the type of treatment application were also evaluated. Results from these studies clearly demonstrated that the series of cationic polymers tested were dramatically more toxic to Ceriodaphnia dubia on an equimolar basis than either FeCl_3 or Al_2(SO_4)_3. The potential for toxicity problems with both types of flocculant/coagulant aids, particularly the cationic polymers, when used in final effluent polishing was found to more problematic than when used in secondary clarification. Because polymers and inorganic coagulant aids are commonly used in conjunction with one another for wasteater treatmet, an assessment of potential interactions between the two types of additives was warranted. Thus, joint-compound interaction studies with both the polymer and FeCl_3 or Al_2 (SO_4)_3 were conducted to determine the effect of co-treatment on WET. Results from these studies clearly demonstrated that the toxicity of co-treatment of WET. Rexults from these studies clearly demonstrated that the toxicity of these additives during combined treatment was musch more dramatic than for each compound undividually and that individual toxic assessment would not account for the total magnitude of toxicity induced during combined treatment.
机译:大多数州和/或美国环境保护署(EPA)地区都采用了叙述性的水质标准,要求采用各种形式的整体污水毒性(WET)测试作为国家污染物排放消除系统(NPDES)排放标准的组成部分。通常通过成本高昂且耗时的减少毒性评估(TRE)计划对毒性控制进行控制,这是NPDES许可证持有人必须解决的最困难的问题之一。 WET可能是多种不同来源的结果,包括排放到市政废水处理厂的未识别废水污染物或直接工业排放者使用的制造过程。但是,毒性也可能是由于使用化学添加剂(例如助凝剂)造成的,这些化学助剂要么是在处理过程中未降解的耐火材料,要么是这些添加剂的有毒降解产物。在Fort等人的先前报告中。在Fort和Stover等人的研究中,根据其他研究人员获得的结果,对阳离子聚合物与常用的无机助凝剂(包括氯化铁(FeCl_3)和明矾(Al_2(SO_4)_3))进行了毒理学比较。还评估了由于治疗应用类型而引起的毒性差异。这些研究的结果清楚地表明,与FeCl_3或Al_2(SO_4)_3相比,测试的一系列阳离子聚合物在等摩尔基础上对杜鹃藻的毒性要大得多。发现两种类型的絮凝剂/凝结剂,特别是阳离子聚合物在最终废水抛光中使用时的毒性问题比在二级澄清中使用时更成问题。由于聚合物和无机助凝剂通常相互结合用于废物处理机,因此有必要对两种添加剂之间的潜在相互作用进行评估。因此,进行了与聚合物和FeCl_3或Al_2(SO_4)_3的复合物相互作用研究,以确定共处理对WET的影响。这些研究的结果清楚地证明了WET协同治疗的毒性。这些研究的结果清楚地表明,这些添加剂在联合治疗期间的毒性比单独对每种化合物的毒害更大,而且单独的毒性评估不能解释联合治疗期间诱导的总毒性。



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