首页> 外文会议>Industrial waste conference >Isolation and use of indigenous bacteria for bioremediation of soil from a former wood treatment site in southwestern alaska

Isolation and use of indigenous bacteria for bioremediation of soil from a former wood treatment site in southwestern alaska




A temporary wood treatment site located at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Palmer Research Farm, Point MacKenzie Agricultural Project was operated during the summer months of 1988-1989. An underfined mixture of diesel fuel, creosote, and pentachlorophenol (PCP) was used in the process. Approximately 75 m~3 (98 yd~3) of soil were contaminated with up to 13.5 ppm PCP, creosote, and 13,000 ppm diesel range hydrocarbons. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) established clean-up levels of 0.5 ppm for PCP, and 1000 ppm for diesel range hydrocarbons. The contaminated soil was excavated and stored on site in lined cells pending selection and implementation of a remediation method.
机译:1988年至1989年夏季,位于阿拉斯加费尔班克斯大学(UAF)Palmer研究农场的Point MacKenzie农业项目的临时木材处理场已投入使用。在该过程中使用了柴油,杂酚油和五氯苯酚(PCP)的精炼混合物。大约75 m〜3(98 yd〜3)的土壤被高达13.5 ppm的PCP,杂酚油和13,000 ppm的柴油范围碳氢化合物污染。阿拉斯加环境保护部(ADEC)将五氯苯酚的净化水平定为0.5 ppm,对柴油级碳氢化合物的净化水平定为1000 ppm。挖掘受污染的土壤,并将其存储在有衬砌的单元格中,以供选择和实施补救方法之用。



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