
Space Station Freedom Communlcation and Tracking System Integration Test




The Space Station Freedom Communication and tracking System (C&TS)provides the communication lifeline to earth for men and women working on the Space Station Freedom.The C&TS in SSF is designed to provide the video,audio and data communicates between the Space Station and the ground locations using Tracking Data Relay Satellite System(TDRSS).The C&TS supports the required transmission network needs for the SSF operational,experiment research and maintenance activities.The C&TS generates the communication links to other space vehicles such as the Space Shuttle rendezvousing with the Space Station as well as the astronauts on EVA missions.The paper starts with a brief summary of the C&TS design highlights and performance.This paper describes the approaches and plans used for integration and testing of C&TS subsystem equipment during the C&TS deveIopment and production phases.The requirements,configurations and special equipments designed and developed for the jntegration and test of C&TS are described.The various components of the and plan designed for the subsystem integ ration and testing are examined.Finally the paper includes a summary of the measured performance test data for the subsystems.



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