首页> 外文会议>1994 IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems >A systematic search method for obtaining multiple local optimalsolutions of nonlinear programming problems

A systematic search method for obtaining multiple local optimalsolutions of nonlinear programming problems




We propose a systematic method to find several local optimalsolutions for a general nonlinear optimization problem. Analyticalresults for quasi-gradient systems and reflected gradient systems aredeveloped and applied to explore the topological and geometric aspectsof the critical points of the objective function. A mechanism is devisedto escape from a local optimal solution and proceed into another localoptimal solution by locating the decomposition point. By properlyswitching between quasi-gradient systems and reflected gradient systems,our proposed method can obtain a set of local optimal solutions anddecomposition points. This algorithm also can find the global optimalsolution. It depends on its ability to find all the decompositionpoints. The main algorithm contains two levels: the lower level iscontinuous while the upper level is discrete in nature. Furtherimprovements in the algorithm to locate all decomposition points aredesirable. The proposed method is applied to one test example withencouraging results
机译:我们提出了一种系统的方法来找到几个当地最佳 一般非线性优化问题的解决方案。分析 准梯度系统和反射梯度系统的结果是 开发并应用于探索拓扑和几何方面 目标函数的关键点。设计了一种机制 从本地最佳解决方案中逃脱并进入另一个本地 通过定位分解点来实现最佳解决方案。妥善 在准梯度系统和反射梯度系统之间切换, 我们所提出的方法可以获得一组本地最佳解决方案和 分解点。此算法也可以找到全局最佳状态 解决方案。这取决于它找到所有分解的能力 要点。主要算法包含两个级别:较低级别是 连续的,而上层是离散的。进一步 算法的改进来定位所有分解点 可取的。该方法应用于一个测试示例 鼓励结果



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