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Store, Forget, and Check: Using Algebraic Signatures to Check Remotely Administered Storage




The emerging use of the Internet for remote storage and backup has led to the problem of verifying that storage sites in a distributed system indeed store the data; this must often be done in the absence of knowledge of what the data should be. We use m erasure-correcting coding to safeguard the stored data and use algebraic signatures hash functions with algebraic properties for verification. Our scheme primarily utilizes one such algebraic property: taking a signature of parity gives the same result as taking the parity of the signatures. To make our scheme collusionresistant, we blind data and parity by XORing them with a pseudo-random stream. Our scheme has three advantages over existing techniques. First, it uses only small messages for verification, an attractive property in a P2P setting where the storing peers often only have a small upstream pipe. Second, it allows verification of challenges across random data without the need for the challenger to compare against the original data. Third, it is highly resistant to coordinated attempts to undetectably modify data. These signature techniques are very fast, running at tens to hundreds of megabytes per second. Because of these properties, the use of algebraic signatures will permit the construction of large-scale distributed storage systems in which large amounts of storage can be verified with minimal network bandwidth.
机译:Internet在远程存储和备份方面的新兴应用导致了验证分布式系统中的存储站点确实存储数据的问题。这通常必须在不知道数据应该是什么的情况下进行。我们使用m / n纠删编码来保护存储的数据,并使用具有代数性质的代数签名哈希函数进行验证。我们的方案主要利用一种这样的代数性质:获得奇偶校验的签名与获得签名奇偶校验的结果相同。为了使我们的方案具有抗共谋性,我们通过将数据和奇偶校验与伪随机流进行异或来实现盲目性。与现有技术相比,我们的方案具有三个优势。首先,它仅使用小消息进行验证,这是P2P设置中的一个吸引人的属性,在该P2P设置中,存储对等项通常仅具有较小的上游管道。其次,它允许跨随机数据验证挑战,而无需挑战者将其与原始数据进行比较。第三,它高度抵抗无法检测到的数据修改的协调尝试。这些签名技术非常快,每秒运行数十到数百兆字节。由于这些特性,代数签名的使用将允许构建大规模分布式存储系统,在其中可以用最小的网络带宽来验证大量存储。



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