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Digital systems design with ASIC and FPGA: a novel course using CD/DVD and on-line formats

机译:使用ASIC和FPGA进行数字系统设计:使用CD / DVD和在线格式的新颖课程



A new course at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in digital systems design uses a novel approach of comparing ASIC and FPGA technologies, implementations, methodologies, CAD tools and trends. The course builds on basic courses in VLSI, HDL-based design and programmable logic but introduces the design of large-scale systems and the associated methodologies and tools. Recent advancements due to Moore's law have resulted in significant challenges in physical design, including interconnection, power consumption, reliability and verification. These challenges are explored at a fundamental level as well as solutions in modern CAD tools from Cadence, Synopsys, Xilinx and Altera. Both ASIC and FPGA solutions are explored and the economic, performance, power and flexibility tradeoffs are studied for each technology. The course was offered to undergraduates, graduates and engineers in industry through live, CD/DVD and on-line formats. The course is fully archived on CD/DVD and on the Web at: http://www.ecs.umass.edu/ece/vspgroup/burleson /courses/559/.
机译:麻省大学阿默斯特分校的一门新的数字系统设计课程使用一种新颖的方法来比较ASIC和FPGA技术,实现,方法,CAD工具和趋势。该课程以VLSI,基于HDL的设计和可编程逻辑的基础课程为基础,但是介绍了大型系统的设计以及相关的方法和工具。摩尔定律带来的最新进展给物理设计带来了重大挑战,包括互连,功耗,可靠性和验证。从根本上探讨了这些挑战以及来自Cadence,Synopsys,Xilinx和Altera的现代CAD工具中的解决方案。研究了ASIC和FPGA解决方案,并研究了每种技术的经济性,性能,功耗和灵活性之间的权衡。该课程通过现场,CD / DVD和在线格式提供给工业界的本科生,毕业生和工程师。该课程已完全存档在CD / DVD和Web上:http://www.ecs.umass.edu/ece/vspgroup/burleson/courses/559/。



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