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OSPF-style database exchange and reliable synchronization in the optimized link-state routing protocol




The optimized link-state routing protocol (OLSR) is a proactive link-state routing protocol. While similar to the well-known Internet routing protocol OSPF, OLSR is designed to be simple, and to maintain connectivity in face of highly dense and dynamic networks, while being resource-economic (battery, bandwidth etc.) These characteristics make OLSR suitable as an underlaying routing protocol in a wide range of ad-hoc sensor networks. In this paper, we introduce an extension to OLSR: OSPF-style database exchange and reliable synchronization. The goal of this extension is to provide a mechanism, through which nodes in an ad-hoc sensor network can detect and correct discrepancies in their link-state databases. We qualify why the mechanism, found in OSPF, is not directly applicable for ad-hoc sensor networks, describe an adopted mechanism, accomplishing the same goal, and evaluate the performance of this mechanism in comparison to the database exchange mechanism found in OSPF. We finally discuss some applications of database exchange and reliable synchronization in ad-hoc sensor networks.
机译:优化的链路状态路由协议(OLSR)是一种主动的链路状态路由协议。 OLSR与众所周知的Internet路由协议OSPF类似,其设计简单,可以在面对高密度和动态网络时保持连接性,同时又节约资源(电池,带宽等)。这些特性使OLSR适合作为各种ad-hoc传感器网络中的底层路由协议。在本文中,我们介绍了OLSR的扩展:OSPF样式的数据库交换和可靠的同步。此扩展的目标是提供一种机制,通过该机制,临时传感器网络中的节点可以检测和纠正其链接状态数据库中的差异。我们限定了为什么在OSPF中发现的机制不适用于自组织传感器网络,为什么要描述采用的机制,实现相同的目标,并与在OSPF中发现的数据库交换机制进行比较,评估这种机制的性能。最后,我们讨论了ad hoc传感器网络中数据库交换和可靠同步的一些应用。



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