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Investigation of strong interactions between light nuclei at superlow energies using Z-pinch plasma flow




The goal of the present investigation is to measure cross sections for the reactions between light nuclei in the energy range 100-2000 eV using intense nanosecond ion beams produced by means of liner plasma. The experiments of this project will allow unique information on characteristics of nuclear reactions between light nuclei at superlow collisions energies. With classical accelerator it is actually impossible to get accelerated particle beams that are intense enough to measure extremely small cross sections of the reactions in question (/spl sigma/>10/sup -32/ cm/sup 2/). Now there are experimental data of pd, dd, dt and tt cross sections at collision energies over 50 keV, 3 keV, 5 keV and 30 keV respectively. Their values fail within the range 10/sup -30/-10/sup -31/ cm/sup 2/. According to theoretical calculations, the cross sections for the reactions in question at energies 100-2000 eV lie in the range 10/sup -35/-10/sup -48/ cm/sup 2/ [1], so classical accelerators cannot be used to measure cross sections for these processes at the above energies because of low intensity of accelerated p, d, t beams. In this connection we suggest that highly intense, radially convergent ion beams generated during implosion of liner plasma should be used. Intensity of these beams is about 10/sup 21/ particles per pulse in the given energy range.
机译:本研究的目的是使用内衬等离子体产生的强纳秒离子束,测量能量范围为100-2000 eV的光核之间反应的横截面。该项目的实验将提供有关超低碰撞能量下轻核之间核反应特征的独特信息。使用经典的加速器,实际上不可能获得强度足以测量所讨论反应的极小横截面的加速粒子束(/ spl sigma /> 10 / sup -32 / cm / sup 2 /)。现在有分别在超过50 keV,3 keV,5 keV和30 keV的碰撞能量下的pd,dd,dt和tt横截面的实验数据。它们的值在10 / sup -30 / -10 / sup -31 / cm / sup 2 /范围内。根据理论计算,能量为100-2000 eV时所涉及反应的横截面在10 / sup -35 / -10 / sup -48 / cm / sup 2 / [1]范围内,因此经典加速器不能由于加速的p,d,t光束强度较低,因此用于测量上述能量下这些过程的横截面。在这方面,我们建议应使用内衬等离子体内爆期间产生的高强度,径向会聚的离子束。在给定的能量范围内,每个脉冲的光束强度约为10 / sup 21 /个粒子。



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