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Message-based efficient remote memory access on a highly parallel computer EM-X




Communication latency is central to multiprocessor design. This report presents the design principles of EM-X multiprocessor towards tolerating communication latency. Multi-threading principle is built in the EM-X to overlap communication and computation for latency tolerance. In particular, we present two types of hardware support for remote memory access: (1) priority-based packet scheduling for thread invocation, and (2) direct remote memory access mechanism. The priority-based scheduling policy extends a FIFO ordered thread invocation policy to adapt to different computational needs. The direct remote memory access based on non-preemptive thread execution is designed to overlap remote memory operations while executing threads. We give two examples to explain our approach. The 80-processor prototype of EM-X is currently being fabricated and is expected to be operational in the near future. Preliminary evaluation indicates that the EM-X can effectively overlap computation and communication, toward tolerating communication latency for high performance parallel computing.
机译:通信等待时间对于多处理器设计至关重要。本报告介绍了EM-X多处理器在容忍通信等待时间方面的设计原理。 EM-X中内置了多线程原理,可将通信和计算重叠以实现延迟等待时间。特别是,我们为远程内存访问提供了两种类型的硬件支持:(1)基于优先级的数据包调度以进行线程调用,以及(2)直接远程内存访问机制。基于优先级的调度策略扩展了FIFO有序线程调用策略,以适应不同的计算需求。基于非抢占线程执行的直接远程内存访问被设计为在执行线程时重叠远程内存操作。我们举两个例子来说明我们的方法。 EM-X的80处理器原型目前正在制造中,预计将在不久的将来投入使用。初步评估表明,EM-X可以有效地重叠计算和通信,从而可以承受高性能并行计算的通信等待时间。



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