首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 2000: Image Display and Visualization >Fast rendering scheme for 3D cylindrical ultrasound data

Fast rendering scheme for 3D cylindrical ultrasound data


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Abstract: 3D ultrasound imaging is an emerging and prospective modality in the ultrasound scanning area. Since 3D ultrasound dat are often acquired by translation or rotation of 2D data acquisition systems, the data can be directly sampled on cylindrical or spherical structured girds rather tan on rectilinear grids. However, visualization of cylindrical or spherical data is more complex than that of rectilinear grids. Therefore, conventional rendering methods resample the grids into rectilinear grids and visualize the resampled rectilinear dat. However, resampling introduces an undesired resolution loss. In this paper a direct rendering scheme of cylindrical ultrasound data is considered. Even though cell sin cylindrical grids have different sizes, they are very similar in shape and contain some regularity. We use this similarity and regularity of cells to reduce rendering time in a projection-based rendering method. To achieve high sped rendering, we prose a simple projection ordering method and a fast projection method using a common edge table. And also, to produce good rendering results, an efficient bilinear interpolation scheme is prosed for the hexahedral projection. In this scheme, since weighting coefficients are calculated in the image plane, we can avoid calculating crossing point sin the object space. Based on the proposed techniques above, we can produce high resolution rendered images directly form a cylindrical 3D ultrasound data set. !5
机译:摘要:3D超声成像是超声扫描领域中一种新兴的前瞻性方法。由于3D超声数据通常通过2D数据采集系统的平移或旋转来采集,因此可以直接在圆柱或球形结构的网格上采集数据,而不是在直线网格上采集数据。但是,圆柱或球形数据的可视化要比直线网格的可视化复杂。因此,常规渲染方法将网格重新采样为直线网格,并可视化重新采样的直线数据。但是,重采样会带来不希望的分辨率损失。本文考虑了圆柱形超声数据的直接绘制方案。即使单元正弦圆柱网格具有不同的大小,它们的形状也非常相似并且包含一定规律性。我们使用单元格的这种相似性和规律性来减少基于投影的渲染方法中的渲染时间。为了实现高速度渲染,我们提出了使用公共边表的简单投影排序方法和快速投影方法。并且,为了产生良好的渲染结果,为六面体投影提出了一种有效的双线性插值方案。在该方案中,由于在图像平面中计算了加权系数,因此可以避免计算对象空间中的交叉点。基于以上提出的技术,我们可以直接从圆柱3D超声数据集生成高分辨率渲染图像。 !5



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