首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 2000: Image Display and Visualization >New spatial localizer based on fiber optics with a

New spatial localizer based on fiber optics with a




Abstract: Spatial localizers provide a reference coordinate system and make the tracking of various objects in 3D space feasible. A number of different spatial localizers are currently available. Several factors that determine the suitability of a position sensor for a specific clinical application are accuracy, ease of use, and robustness of performance when used in a clinical environment. In this paper, we present a new and low-cost sensor with performance unaffected by a the materials present in the operating environment. This new spatial localizer consists of a flexible tape with a number of fiber optic sensor along its length. The main idea is that we can obtain the position and orientation of the end of the tape with respect to its base. The end and base of the tape are locations along its length determined by the physical location of the fiber optic sensors. Using this tape, we tracked an ultrasound probe and formed 3D US data sets. In order to validate the geometric accuracy of those 3D data sets, we measured known volumes of water-filled balloons. Our results indicate that we can measure volumes with accuracy between 2-16 percent. Given the fact that the sensor is under further development and refinement, we expect that this sensor could be an accurate, cost-effective and robust alternative in many medical applications, e.g., image-guided surgery and 3D ultrasound imaging. !25
机译:摘要:空间定位器提供了一个参考坐标系,并使在3D空间中跟踪各种对象变得可行。当前有许多不同的空间定位器。确定位置传感器是否适合特定临床应用的几个因素是准确性,易用性以及在临床环境中使用时的性能稳定性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的低成本传感器,其性能不受操作环境中存在的材料的影响。这种新的空间定位器由一条柔性带组成,该柔性带在长度方向上带有多个光纤传感器。主要思想是,我们可以获得带子末端相对于其底部的位置和方向。带子的末端和基部是沿其长度的位置,由光纤传感器的物理位置确定。使用该磁带,我们跟踪了一个超声波探头并形成了3D US数据集。为了验证这些3D数据集的几何精度,我们测量了充水气球的已知体积。我们的结果表明,我们可以测量2-16%的精度。鉴于该传感器正在进一步开发和完善的事实,我们希望该传感器在许多医疗应用(例如图像引导手术和3D超声成像)中可以是一种准确,经济高效且坚固的替代产品。 !25



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