首页> 外文会议>Medical Applications of Lasers >514 nm argon laser line achieves satisfactory treatment of benighn pigmented lesions

514 nm argon laser line achieves satisfactory treatment of benighn pigmented lesions

机译:514 nm氩激光线对良性色素病变的治疗效果令人满意

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Abstract: A dichroic filter was adjusted in order to make use of the green line of an argon laser for the treatment of pigmented lesions (actinic and senile lentigo, ephelis, cafe-au-lait marks and spilus nevus). Using a power of 1.5 W, a spot size of 0.5 mm and pulse lengths of 200 or 300 ms, satisfactory elimination of 620 pigmented cutaneous lesions was achieved. Although the pulse lengths used were much longer than the thermal relaxation time of the melanosomes, the histology after treatment showed little damage of adjacent structures. Good restoration of the epidermis and a return of normal pigmentation led to excellent cosmetic results, with few complications. !12
机译:摘要:调整了一个二向色滤光片,以利用氩激光的绿线来治疗色素性病变(光化和老年性扁豆,麻黄,咖啡色斑和痣)。使用1.5 W的功率,0.5 mm的光斑大小和200或300 ms的脉冲长度,可以令人满意地消除620个色素沉着的皮肤病变。尽管所使用的脉冲长度比黑素体的热弛豫时间长得多,但是处理后的组织学显示几乎不破坏相邻结构。表皮的良好恢复和正常色素沉着的恢复可带来出色的美容效果,且并发症很少。 !12



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