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Clinical investigations of leg ulcer treatment by copper vapor lasertherapy-a preliminary report of a novel approach,




Abstract: Lower leg ulcer is sometimes a refractory disease. A recently developed copper vapor laser could be a promising light source for the treatment of these lesions. Preliminary results of clinical investigations of five patients with leg ulcer treated by copper vapor laser phototherapy are reported. Among them, three were cured, one obtained significant response, one had no response. Most patients were cured within 15 laser treatments. It was found that lower irradiation power and energy densities were required to obtain better results. Experiment details are given. !3
机译:摘要:小腿溃疡有时是一种难治性疾病。最近开发的铜蒸气激光器可能是治疗这些病变的有前途的光源。报道了通过铜蒸气激光光疗治疗的5例腿部溃疡患者的临床研究的初步结果。其中三例治愈,一例反应显着,一例无反应。大多数患者在15次激光治疗中治愈。发现需要较低的辐射功率和能量密度以获得更好的结果。给出了实验细节。 !3



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