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Counting Dependent and Independent Strings


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We derive quantitative results regarding sets of n-bit strings that have different dependency or independency properties. Let C(x) be the Kolmogorov complexity of the string x. A string y has a dependency with a string x if C(y) -C(y x) > a. A set of strings {xi,..., xt} is pairwise a-independent if for all i ^ j, C(xi) -C(xi Xj) < a. A tuple of strings (xi,... ,xt) is mutually a-independent if C{xn(i) .xn(t)) > C(x) + ... + C(xt) -a, for every permutation n of [i. We show that: - For every n-bit string x with complexity C(x) > a + 71ogn, the set of n-bit strings that have a dependency with x has size at least (l/poly(n))2~(n~a). In case a is computable from n and C(x) > a + 12 log n, the size of same set is at least (1/C)2"~a -poly(n)2a, for some positive constant C. - There exists a set of n-bit strings A of size poly (n) 2a such that any n-bit string has a-dependency with some string in A. - If the set of n-bit strings {x,... ,xt} is pairwise a-independent, then t < poly(n)2a. This bound is tight within a poly(n) factor, because, for every n, there exists a set of n-bit strings {xi,... ,x{ that is pairwise a-dependent with t = (l/poly(n)) ? 2a (for all a > 51ogn). - If the tuple of n-bit strings (xi,... ,xt) is mutually a-independent, then t < poly(n)2a (for all a > 71ogn + 6).
机译:我们得出有关具有不同依赖性或独立性的n位字符串集的定量结果。令C(x)为字符串x的Kolmogorov复杂度。如果C(y)-C(y x)> a,则字符串y与字符串x具有依赖性。如果对于所有i ^ j,C(xi)-C(xi Xj) C(x)+ ... + C(xt)-a,则每个(tu,...,xt)的字符串都相互独立[i。我们证明:-对于每个复杂度为C(x)> a + 71ogn的n位字符串x,与x依赖的n位字符串集的大小至少为(l / poly(n))2〜 (n〜a)。如果a可从n计算并且C(x)> a + 12 log n,则对于某些正常数C,同一集合的大小至少为(1 / C)2“〜a -poly(n)2a。存在一组大小为poly(n)2a的n位字符串A,以便任何n位字符串都与A中的某些字符串具有依赖性。-如果这组n位字符串{x,..., xt}是成对的独立于a的,则t 51ogn)。-如果n位字符串(xi,...,xt)的元组相互独立于a,则t 71ogn + 6)。



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