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Finding Best Swap Edges Minimizing the Routing Cost of a Spanning Tree


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Given an n-node, undirected and 2-edge-connected graph G -(V, E) with positive real weights on its m edges, given a set of k source nodes S C. V, and given a spanning tree T of G, the routing cost of T w.r.t. S is the sum of the distances in T from every source s £ S to all the other nodes of G. If an edge e of T undergoes a transient failure and connectivity needs to be promptly reestablished, then to reduce set-up and rerouting costs it makes sense to temporarily replace e by means of a swap edge, i.e., an edge in G reconnecting the two subtrees of T induced by the removal of e. Then, a best swap edge for e is a swap edge which minimizes the routing cost of the tree obtained after the swapping. As a natural extension, the all-best swap edges problem is that of finding a best swap edge for every edge of T. Such a problem has been recently solved in O(mn) time and linear space for arbitrary k, and in O(n~2 + to log n) time and O(n~2) space for the special case k = 2. In this paper, we are interested to the prominent cases k = O(l) and k = n, which model realistic communication paradigms. For these cases, we present a linear space and O(m) time algorithm, and thus we improve both the above running times (but for quite dense graphs in the case k = 2, for which however it is noticeable we make use of only linear space). Moreover, we provide an accurate analysis showing that when k = n, the obtained swap tree is effective in terms of routing cost.
机译:给定一个n节点,无向和2边连接的图G-(V,E)在其m个边上具有正实权重,给定k个源节点S C. V的集合,并给定G的生成树T ,T wrt的路由成本S是每个源s £ S到G的所有其他节点的T距离之和。如果T的边缘e发生短暂故障并且需要立即重新建立连接,则可以减少设置和重新布线的成本通过交换边(即G中的边重新连接由删除e引起的T的两个子树)临时替换e是有意义的。然后,e的最佳交换边缘是交换边缘,该交换边缘将交换后获得的树的路由成本最小化。作为一个自然扩展,所有最佳交换边问题是为T的每个边寻找最佳交换边。最近在O(mn)时间和任意k的线性空间以及O( n〜2 +记录特殊情况k = 2的n)时间和O(n〜2)空间。在本文中,我们对k = O(l)和k = n的突出情况感兴趣,该模型现实沟通范例。对于这些情况,我们提出了线性空间和O(m)时间算法,因此我们改善了上述两种运行时间(但是对于k = 2情况下的密集图,但是值得注意的是,我们仅使用线性空间)。此外,我们提供了精确的分析,表明当k = n时,就路由成本而言,获得的交换树是有效的。



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