
The 5 waves of indigenous innovation in China


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Based on the theory of National Innovation System (NIS), the development history of China's indigenous innovation is separated into five stages from 1949 to 2011. In-depth analysis is taken to explore the international and political environment, innovation resources and participants of innovation activities. And then several basic elements for indigenous innovation are extracted. These basic factors include emancipating the mind, meeting local market need and cooperating between industries, universities, and research institutes. Emancipating the mind is the prerequisite of indigenous innovation; meeting the domestic market needs are the start points of indigenous innovation; and the synergy between different actors of NIS is the major driven force. And above all, the cultivation of indigenous innovation capability is an incremental process.
机译:根据国家创新体系(NIS)的理论,将中国本土创新的发展历史从1949年至2011年分为五个阶段。对国际创新的国际政治环境,创新资源和创新活动参与者进行了深入分析。 。然后提取了本土创新的几个基本要素。这些基本因素包括解放思想,满足当地市场需求以及行业,大学和研究机构之间的合作。解放思想是本土创新的先决条件;满足国内市场需求是本土创新的出发点; NIS不同参与者之间的协同作用是主要动力。最重要的是,本土创新能力的培养是一个渐进过程。



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