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An Approach to Query-Answering in Reiter's Default Logic and the Underlying Existence of Extensions Problem


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We introduce new concepts for default reasoning in the context of query-answering in regular default logic. For this purpose, we develop a proof-orinented approach for deciding whether a default theory has an extension containing a given query. The inherent problem in Reiter's default logic is that it necessitates the inspection of all default rules for answering no matter what query. Also, default theories are known to lack extensions occasionally. We address these two problems by sloting in a compilation phase before the actual query-answering phase. The examination of the entire set of default rules is then done only once in the compilation phase; this allows us to inspect only the utilimately necessary default rules during the actual query answering phase. In fact, the latter inspection must not only account for hte derivability of the query, but moreover it must guarantee the existence of an encompassing extension. We address this traditionally important problem by furnishing novel criteria guaranteeing the existence of extensions that are arguably simpler and go well beyong existing approaches.
机译:在常规默认逻辑的查询-回答上下文中,我们引入了默认推理的新概念。为此,我们开发了一种证明为主导的方法,用于确定默认理论是否具有包含给定查询的扩展。 Reiter默认逻辑中固有的问题是,无论查询如何,都必须检查所有默认规则以回答。另外,已知默认理论偶尔会缺少扩展。我们通过在实际查询-回答阶段之前进入编译阶段来解决这两个问题。然后,在编译阶段仅检查一次整个默认规则集;这样,我们就可以在实际查询回答阶段仅检查必要的默认规则。实际上,后一种检查不仅必须考虑查询的可导出性,而且还必须保证包含扩展。我们通过提供新颖的标准来解决这一传统上重要的问题,以确保存在的扩展可能更简单,并且可以很好地与现有方法兼容。



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