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Optical coherence tomography in differential diagnosis of skin pathology


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Abstract: The capabilities of optical coherence tomography (OCT)for imaging in vivo of optical patterns ofpathomorphological processes in the skin and use oftheir optical patterns in clinical practice fordifferential diagnosis of dermatoses are presented.Images of skin tissue 0.8 - 1.5 mm deep were acquiredwith a resolution of 5, 12 and 20 micrometer usingthree compact fiber OCT devices developed at theInstitute of Applied Physics RAS. The acquisition timeof images of skin regions 2 - 6 mm in length was 2 - 4s. The OCT capabilities were analyzed based on thestudy of 50 patients with different dermatoses. OCTimages were interpreted by comparing with parallelhistology. It is shown that OCT can detect in vivooptical patterns of morphological alterations in suchgeneral papulous dermatoses as lichen ruber planus andpsoriasis, a capability that can be used indifferential diagnosis of these diseases. Mostinformative are OCT images obtained with a resolutionof 5 micrometer. The results of our study demonstratethe practical importance of OCT imaging for diagnosisof different dermatoses. OCT is noninvasive and,therefore, makes it possible to perform frequentmultifocal examination of skin without any adverseeffects. !8
机译:摘要:提出了光学相干断层扫描(OCT)在体内对皮肤病理形态学过程的光学模式进行成像的功能,以及在临床实践中将其光学模式用于皮肤病的鉴别诊断的能力。使用美国应用物理研究所(RAS)开发的三种紧凑型光纤OCT设备可将分辨率分别为5、12和20微米。长度为2-6 mm的皮肤区域的图像采集时间为2-4s。基于50名不同皮肤病患者的研究分析了OCT功能。通过与并行组织学比较来解释OCT图像。结果表明,OCT可以检测一般丘疹性皮肤病(如扁平苔藓和牛皮癣)中形态改变的体内光学模式,这种能力可用于这些疾病的鉴别诊断。最有用的是获得的OCT图像,分辨率为5微米。我们的研究结果表明,OCT成像对诊断各种皮肤病具有实际意义。 OCT是无创的,因此可以对皮肤进行频繁的多焦点检查而没有任何不良影响。 !8


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