
Sound Quality Design and Development for the New Bentley Continental V8

机译:新款Bentley Continental V8的音质设计和开发



The introduction of a new V8 engine variant into the Bentley Continental GT presenteda significant sound engineering challenge, create a V8 sound that is clearlydifferentiated from the current W12 variant but, retains an instantly recognisableBentley character. The sound quality development was undertaken using a desktopacoustic simulator created before the first prototype vehicles were built. This combinedacoustic measurements of the prototype V8 power-train on an engine dynamometerwith track based operational data from the current W12 vehicle. Internal listeningstudies identified the dominant power-train sources and allowed the assessment ofinterior noise created by tuning these sources. This work generated three options for theBentley V8 sound signature. These options were trialled against the current W12 andseveral competitor vehicles with a customer listening study at the 2010 Paris Motorshow.Sounds were auditioned by the assessment of fully driveable vehicle models andmore traditional fixed replay events. The listening study clearly identified ourcustomers’ preferences which ultimately influenced the acoustic target setting anddevelopment of the Bentley Continental V8 sound signature.
机译:宾利欧陆GT引入了新的V8发动机变体,这是一个重大的声音工程挑战,它创造了与当前W12变体明显不同的V8声音,但保留了立即可识别的宾利特征。声音质量的开发是使用台式声学模拟器进行的,该模拟器是在制造第一批原型车之前创建的。发动机测功机上的原型V8动力总成的声学测量与来自当前W12车辆的基于轨迹的运行数据相结合。内部听觉研究确定了主要的动力传动系源,并允许评估通过调整这些源所产生的内部噪声。这项工作为Bentley V8声音签名生成了三个选项。在2010年巴黎车展上,通过对客户的聆听研究,这些选项针对当前的W12和几款竞争对手的汽车进行了试验。声音通过对完全可驾驶车辆模型的评估和更多传统的固定重播事件进行试听。倾听的研究清楚地确定了我们客户的喜好,这些喜好最终影响了Bentley Continental V8声音特征的声学目标设置和发展。



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