
Emergency Preparedness in Mi'kmaw Communities in Nova Scotia




Climate change is expected to disproportionately affect First Nations communities due to their reliance on the environment, economic situations and geographic locations. The Climate Action program, which is part of the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq's Department of Environment and Natural Resources has been working with Mi'kmaw communities in Nova Scotia to identify climate change vulnerabilities. Throughout this process, band officials and knowledge holders from each community have been engaged in conversation to discuss the impacts of climate change on their community. Representatives from each First Nation have identified and expressed concern for climate change impacts that pose a direct threat to the health and safety of their community members, and in each case have identified Emergency Response Planning as a key vulnerability to climate change in each participating community. Through funding provided by the Department of Indigenous Services Canada, Climate Action is working to provide the information necessary to develop up to date emergency management plans that are proactive; taking predicted climate changes into consideration and providing protocols and resources necessary to effectively respond to and manage emergencies according to community needs using a holistic approach.



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