
Occupational Exposures among Women Based on CAREX Canada's Estimates




Introduction CAREX Canada develops estimates of the prevalence of exposure to carcinogens. This data can be shown by sex, but potential sex-differences in prevalence of exposure were not considered. The objective of this work is to a) highlight workforce differences by sex, and b) to identify industries/occupations where women's exposures may be underrepresented in CAREX Canada estimates. Methods Census data were obtained from Statistics Canada for 2006 and 2016. Comparisons of prevalence by sex were done by industry and occupation, as well as between these 2 time points to identify categories predominantly composed of female (or male) workers. Exposure prevalence estimates were compared by sex, and broad trends in carcinogen exposure prevalence between female and male workers were calculated. Results The 2006 workforce was 47.3% female, and this increased slightly in 2016 (47.8%). However, stark differences occur in some industries; for example, health care was strongly female-dominated (82.1% female in 2006 and 2016), and construction was strongly male-dominated (12% female in 2006 and 2016). Nearly all industries were stable (≤2% change) in terms of sex balance over the census periods. CAREX estimates indicate that men strongly dominate the carcinogen-exposed workforce in Canada, with 81% of the exposures (on average), reflecting occupational categories where 'traditional' carcinogens are well-known to occur (such as construction, mining, and manufacturing). An emerging exposure where this was not the case was antineoplastic drug exposures, which are dominated by female workers (75% of those exposed). Conclusions CAREX estimates may give a false impression that exposure to carcinogens is less important in females than males due to our better knowledge of exposure patterns in male-dominated industries and its focus on the more 'traditional' carcinogens.
机译:简介加拿大CAREX会估算致癌物的暴露率。可以按性别显示该数据,但未考虑暴露发生率的潜在性别差异。这项工作的目的是:a)突出显示按性别划分的劳动力差异,以及b)找出在CAREX Canada估算中女性暴露不足的行业/职业。方法:从加拿大统计局获得2006年和2016年的人口普查数据。按行业和职业以及在这两个时间点之间对性别流行率进行比较,以识别主要由女性(或男性)工人组成的类别。按性别比较接触率估算值,并计算出男性和女性工人致癌物接触率的广泛趋势。结果2006年女性劳动力为47.3%,2016年略有增长(47.8%)。但是,在某些行业中会出现明显的差异。例如,医疗保健主要由女性主导(2006年和2016年女性占82.1%),而建筑则主要由男性主导(2006年和2016年女性占12%)。在普查期间,几乎所有行业的性别平衡都稳定(变化≤2%)。 CAREX估算表明,在加拿大,暴露于致癌物的劳动力中男性占绝对优势,平均暴露量为81%,反映出众所周知发生“传统”致癌物的职业类别(例如建筑,采矿和制造业) 。并非如此的新兴暴露是抗肿瘤药物暴露,其中女性工人占主导地位(占暴露的75%)。结论CAREX估算可能会给人一种错误的印象,即由于我们对男性主导行业的接触方式有更深入的了解,并且关注更“传统”的致癌物,因此女性接触致癌物的重要性不如男性。



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