
Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture, Biomass and Salinity


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Passive remote sensing from space at the long wavelength end of the microwave spectrum (i.e. L-band, 1.4 GHz) is minimally affected by the atmosphere and provides information on important parameters of the surface such as soil moisture and ocean salinity that are important for understanding the hydrologic cycle, energy exchange with the atmosphere and ocean circulation. There is also evidence of a potential for remote sensing of biomass at L-band. The engineering challenges of putting long wavelength sensors in space with adequate resolution to meet even modest science requirements has slowed development of such systems. For example, to achieve soil moisture maps from space with 10 km resolution, requires antennas on the order of 20 meters in diameter in space. However, three L-band sensor missions are now being prepared for launch: SMOS, Aquarius and Hydros. They represent different approaches (technologies) for realizing remote at long wavelength from space.
机译:微波频谱的长波长端(即L波段,1.4 GHz)从太空进行的被动遥感受到大气的影响最小,并提供有关表面重要参数(例如土壤湿度和海洋盐度)的信息,这对于理解至关重要水文循环,与大气的能量交换和海洋环流。也有证据表明有可能在L波段对生物量进行遥感。将长波长传感器以足够的分辨率放置在空间中以满足即使适度的科学要求的工程挑战也减慢了此类系统的开发速度。例如,要从分辨率为10 km的空间获得土壤湿度图,就需要天线直径在20米左右。但是,目前正准备发射三个L波段传感器任务:SMOS,Aquarius和Hydros。它们代表了实现远距离远距离空间遥测的不同方法(技术)。



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