首页> 外文会议>ISOPE-2012;International offshore and polar engineering conference >Cost-benefit Analysis of Adaptation to Sea Level Rise in Major Vulnerable Regions along the Coast of China

Cost-benefit Analysis of Adaptation to Sea Level Rise in Major Vulnerable Regions along the Coast of China




In this paper, based on the prediction of the global sea level trends in21st century under IPCC SRES A2 scenario with the CCSM3(Community Climate System Model) model, sea level variation in theChina Sea was predicted by the oceanic general circulation model POP(Parallel Ocean Program).Then the absolute sea level rise wasestimated. The relative sea level was calculated by adding thecontribution of land-ice melting and crust subsidence to the absolutesea level. First, the relative sea levels in three major vulnerable regions,i.e., the Bohai bay, Laizhou bay and the Yellow River delta, theYangtze River delta and the coast along Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang,and the Pearl River delta, were predicted in 2050 and 2080. Theprimary impact of sea level rise in major vulnerable regions is that thecoastal lowlands may be submerged. In response to the impact of sealevel rise, the most direct adaptive measure is to heighten and reinforcethe seawalls. Assume that all the existing seawalls reach the standard of100-year recurrence, to respond to the sea level rise, the total cost ofheightening and reinforcing the seawalls was calculated in threevulnerable regions. Based on the ratio of the average annual cost ofheightening and reinforcing seawalls to GDP (Gross DomesticProduct), this paper studied the likely economic impacts on coastalcommunities due to climate change induced sea level rise, put forwardprotection measures and analyzed the reasonability of protection.
机译:本文基于CCCC3模型对IPCC SRES A2情景下21世纪全球海平面趋势的预测,利用海洋总环流模型POP(平行海洋)预测了中国海平面的变化。程序)。然后估算绝对海平面上升。通过将陆冰融化和地壳沉陷的贡献加到绝对海平面来计算相对海平面。首先,预测了2050年和2080年渤海湾,莱州湾和黄河三角洲,长江三角洲以及江苏和浙北沿海以及珠江三角洲这三个主要脆弱地区的相对海平面。主要脆弱地区海平面上升的主要影响是沿海低地可能被淹没。为了应对海平面上升的影响,最直接的适应措施是加高和加固海堤。假设所有现有海堤均达到100年复发的标准,以应对海平面上升,在三个脆弱地区计算了加高和加固海堤的总成本。本文基于海堤加固和加固的年均成本与GDP(国内生产总值)之比,研究了气候变化引起海平面上升对沿海社区的可能经济影响,提出了保护措施并分析了保护的合理性。



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