
METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework with Machine Learning Classification

机译:具有机器学习分类的METEOR-S Web服务注释框架

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Researchers have recognized the need for more expressive descriptions of Web services. Most approaches have suggested using ontologies to either describe the Web services or to annotate syntactical descriptions of Web services. Earlier approaches are typically manual, and the capability to support automatic or semi-automatic annotation is needed. The METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework (MWSAF) created at the LSDIS Lab at the University of Georgia leverages schema matching techniques for semi-automatic annotation. In this paper, we present an improved version of MWSAF. Our preliminary investigation indicates that, by replacing the schema matching technique currently used for the categorization with a Naive Bayesian Classifier, we can match web services with ontologies faster and with higher accuracy.
机译:研究人员已经认识到需要对Web服务进行更具表现力的描述。大多数方法建议使用本体来描述Web服务或注释Web服务的句法描述。较早的方法通常是手动的,并且需要支持自动或半自动注释的功能。乔治亚大学LSDIS实验室创建的METEOR-S Web服务注释框架(MWSAF)利用模式匹配技术进行半自动注释。在本文中,我们提出了MWSAF的改进版本。我们的初步调查表明,通过用朴素贝叶斯分类器替换当前用于分类的模式匹配技术,我们可以更快,更准确地匹配具有本体的Web服务。



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