首页> 外文会议>International Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography(SAC 2005); 20050811-12; Kingston(CA) >A Scalable, Delegatable Pseudonym Protocol Enabling Ownership Transfer of RFID Tags

A Scalable, Delegatable Pseudonym Protocol Enabling Ownership Transfer of RFID Tags


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The ability to link two different sightings of the same Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag enables invasions of privacy. The problem is aggravated when an item, and the tag attached to it, changes hands during the course of its lifetime. After such an ownership transfer, the new owner should be able to read the tag but the old owner should not. We address these issues through an RFID pseudonym protocol. Each time it is queried, the RFID tag emits a different pseudonym using a pseudo-random function. Without consent of a special Trusted Center that shares secrets with the tag, it is infeasible to map the pseudonym to the tag's real identity. We present a scheme for RFID pseudonyms that works with legacy, untrusted readers, requires only one message from tag to reader, and is scalable: decoding tag pseudonyms takes work logarithmic in the number of tags. Our scheme further allows for time-limited delegation, so that we can give an RFID reader the power to disam-biguate a limited number of pseudonyms without further help from the Trusted Center. We show how RFID pseudonyms facilitate the transfer of ownership of RFID tags between mutually distrustful parties. Our scheme requires only limited cryptographic functionality from the tag: we need a pseudo-random function (PRF) and the ability to update tag state or to generate random numbers. Tag storage and communication requirements are modest: we give example parameters for a deployment of one million tags in which each tag stores only 128 bits, makes 6 PRF evaluations, and sends 158 bits each time it is read.
机译:链接同一射频识别(RFID)标签的两个不同目击者的能力使侵犯隐私成为可能。当物品及其上的标签在其使用寿命期间易手时,问题会更加严重。在这样的所有权转移之后,新所有者应该能够读取标签,而旧所有者则不能。我们通过RFID假名协议解决了这些问题。每次查询时,RFID标签都会使用伪随机函数发出不同的假名。未经专门的与标签共享秘密的可信中心的同意,将假名映射到标签的真实身份是不可行的。我们提出了一种用于RFID假名的方案,该方案可与传统的不受信任的读取器一起使用,从标签到读取器仅需要一条消息,并且具有可扩展性:解码标签假名时,工作量与标签数成对数。我们的方案还允许有时间限制的委派,因此我们可以使RFID阅读器能够对有限数量的假名进行歧义化,而无需Trusted Center的进一步帮助。我们展示了RFID假名如何促进互不信任的各方之间RFID标签所有权的转移。我们的方案仅需要标签提供有限的加密功能:我们需要伪随机函数(PRF),并具有更新标签状态或生成随机数的能力。标签的存储和通信要求不高:我们给出了部署一百万个标签的示例参数,其中每个标签仅存储128位,进行6次PRF评估,每次读取时发送158位。



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