
Structured Handling of Online Interface Upgrades in Integrating Dependable Systems of Systems


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The integration of complex systems out of existing systems is an active area of research and development. There are many practical situations in which the interfaces of the component systems, for example belonging to separate organisations, are changed dynamically and without notification. Usually systems of system (SoS) developers deal with such situations off-line causing considerable downtime and undermining the quality of the service that SoSs are delivering [Romanovsky & Smith 2002]. In this paper we propose an approach to on-line handling such upgrades in a structured and disciplined fashion. All interface changes are viewed as abnormal events and general fault tolerance mechanisms (exception handling, in particular) are applied to dealing with them. The paper outlines general ways of detecting such interface upgrades and recovering after them. An Internet Travel Agency is used as a case study throughout the paper. An implementation demonstrating how the general approach proposed can be applied for dealing with some of the possible interface upgrades within this case study is discussed.
机译:复杂系统与现有系统的集成是研究和开发的活跃领域。在许多实际情况下,组件系统的接口(例如属于单独组织的接口)会在没有通知的情况下动态更改。通常,系统(SoS)开发人员系统会离线处理此类情况,从而导致大量停机时间并破坏SoS提供的服务质量[Romanovsky&Smith 2002]。在本文中,我们提出了一种以结构化和规范化的方式在线处理此类升级的方法。所有接口更改都被视为异常事件,并且一般的容错机制(尤其是异常处理)适用于处理它们。本文概述了检测此类接口升级并在升级后进行恢复的一般方法。整篇文章都以互联网旅行社为例。讨论了一种实现方式,该实现方式说明了如何将建议的通用方法应用于该案例研究中的某些可能的接口升级。



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