
Overwinter Mortality and Energy Depletion in Juvenile Pacific Salmon Off the West Coast of British Columbia and Alaska


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Winter is generally considered a critical period in the early life of fish. As prey productivity and water temperature are typically lower during this season, it is commonly believed that food consumption rates of juvenile fish are greatly reduced over winter and insufficient to meet their energy demands. As a consequence, fish are expected to rely on the energy reserves accumulated during the growing season to fuel their metabolic functions during the winter months. Thus, fish with low energy reserves at the end of the growing season may be expected to experience higher mortality over winter. Smaller and slow growing fish are believed to be particularly vulnerable to winter conditions due to their lower lipid reserves. In addition, because laboratory experiments have consistently showed that mass specific metabolic rates decreased with size, we may expect that energy depletion over the winter months would be higher in smaller fish. The objectives of this study were to examine the winter ecology of juvenile salmon, and to test the hypotheses that overwinter mortality and energy depletion are higher in smaller salmon (Beamish and Mahnken 2001).
机译:通常认为冬天是鱼类早期生命的关键时期。由于该季节的猎物生产力和水温通常较低,因此通常认为,幼鱼的食物消耗率在冬季大大降低,不足以满足其能量需求。结果,预计鱼类将依赖于生长季节积累的能量储备来在冬季月份为其代谢功能提供燃料。因此,预计在生长期结束时能量储备较低的鱼类在冬季死亡率会更高。人们认为,较小且生长缓慢的鱼类由于其脂质储备较低而特别易受冬季条件的影响。此外,由于实验室实验始终表明,质量比代谢率随大小而降低,因此,我们可以预期,较小的鱼在冬季的能量消耗会更高。这项研究的目的是检查鲑鱼的冬季生态,并检验较小鲑鱼越冬死亡率和能量消耗更高的假说(Beamish和Mahnken 2001)。



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