
Diurnal Feeding Rhythm of Plankton-Eating Salmon Juveniles in the Kamchatkan Waters of the Bering and Okhotsk Seas


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For estimation of food requirements of salmon juveniles was provided with regular 24-hour stations during coastal surveys to carry out from 1970s, and also with surveys in the offshore of the Bering and Okhotsk Seas from 1990s (Karpenko 1982, 1998). For the period mentioned there were accomplished more than 30 diurnal (24 hour) stations; the results more of half of this number have been used in this work (Fig. 1). The surveys were accomplished in the estuary-coastal zone (12 stations) and in the coastal-offshore waters (7 stations). Diurnal feeding by three Pacific salmon species (pink, chum and sockeye salmon) and the basis of food spectrum of these species, consisting of plankton organisms, was studied. To provide a comparison of feeding dynamics we also used results of studying food composition of the species mentioned, obtained in the course of standard juvenile trawl surveys. Stomachs of several thousand fishes of each species and also the composition of plankton in several 24-hour stations of some surveys were examined. We also used the data on the diurnal feeding rhythm of salmon juveniles in the other regions of Far East.
机译:为了估计鲑鱼幼鱼的食物需求,从1970年代起在海岸调查期间提供了定期的24小时站,并从1990年代开始在白令海和鄂霍次克海的近海进行了调查(Karpenko 1982,1998)。在上述期间,完成了30多个昼夜(24小时)站;结果,这个数字的一​​半以上已用于这项工作(图1)。这些调查是在河口-沿海地区(12个站点)和沿海-近海水域(7个站点)完成的。研究了三种太平洋鲑鱼(粉红色,Chum和红鲑鱼)的日间摄食,以及由浮游生物组成的这些种类的食物谱基础。为了提供进食动力学的比较,我们还使用了在标准少年拖网调查过程中获得的上述物种食物组成的研究结果。在某些调查的几个24小时观测站中,检查了每种物种数千种鱼的胃以及浮游生物的组成。我们还使用了远东其他地区鲑鱼幼鱼昼夜摄食节律的数据。



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