
Genetic Stock Identification of Juvenile Chum Salmon Caught in the Okhotsk Sea During the Fall of 2003


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Juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) are abundantly distributed in the Okhotsk Sea during the fall season (Ueno 1997; Melnikov et al. 1999a, 1999b; Lapko and Glebov 2001; Volvenko 2003). The first genetic stock identification (GSI) study suggested that the Japanese stock was dominant among juvenile chum salmon caught in the southern Okhotsk Sea (45-49°N, 145-152°E) in October 1993 (Urawa et al. 1998, 2001). On the other hand, Russian stocks were dominant in the southwestern water (46-51°N, 146-150°E) in October 2000 (Urawa et al. 2006). Urawa et al. (2004) estimated the stock origins of juvenile chum salmon caught in the wide areas of the Okhotsk Sea (45-55°N and 146-152°E) in October 2002 using allozyme and otolith marks, and confirmed that the stock composition was different among the sampling locations.
机译:在秋季期间,鄂霍次克海的幼鲑(Oncorhynchus keta)分布丰富(Ueno 1997; Melnikov等1999a,1999b; Lapko和Glebov 2001; Volvenko 2003)。首次遗传种群鉴定(GSI)研究表明,1993年10月在鄂霍次克海南部(45-49°N,145-152°E)捕捞的幼鲑鱼中,日本种群占主导地位(Urawa et al。1998,2001)。 )。另一方面,2000年10月,俄罗斯水库在西南水域(北纬46-51°,东经146-150°)占主导地位(Urawa等,2006)。 Urawa等。 (2004年)使用同工酶和耳石标记估计了鄂霍次克海广域(45-55°N和146-152°E)捕获的少年鲑的种群起源,并确认种群组成不同在抽样地点之间。



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