首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction(WRI-11) vol.1; 20040627-0702; Saratoga Springs,NY(US) >Study of phosphate layers in Lake Baikal sediments by complex of local methods

Study of phosphate layers in Lake Baikal sediments by complex of local methods


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The distribution of elements in sediment cores from Lake Baikal reflects the conditions of sediment formation, and thus can be used for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. The ability to identify cyclicity in sedimentation depends on analytical methods, especially the ability to determine the speciation of elements in sediments. Application of autoradiography in combination with SR-XFA, EMPA, SEM, and TEM provides new information on micro- and nanoscale particles, crystals, and layers in the sediments. A detailed study of elemental distributions in Lake Baikal (St 8, 11) sediment cores containing U-bearing phosphates was conducted using activation autoradiography (P, U) and SR-XFA. Results of this approach showed that phosphate formations characterized by anomalous concentrations of P, U, As, Fe, Ca, Sr that should be considered in interpretations of geochemical data.
机译:贝加尔湖的沉积物中的元素分布反映了沉积物的形成条件,因此可用于古气候重建。识别沉积物中循环性的能力取决于分析方法,尤其是确定沉积物中元素形态的能力。放射自显影结合SR-XFA,EMPA,SEM和TEM的应用为沉积物中的微米和纳米级颗粒,晶体和层提供了新的信息。使用活化放射自显影(P,U)和SR-XFA对含U系磷酸盐的贝加尔湖(St 8、11)沉积物芯中的元素分布进行了详细研究。该方法的结果表明,在地球化学数据的解释中应考虑以磷,铀,砷,铁,钙,锶的异常浓度为特征的磷酸盐形成。



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