
Lower Triassic Inorganic Carbon Isotope Excursion in Chaohu, Anhui Province, China


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This paper reports a Lower Triassic inorganic carbon isotope profile from the North Ping-dingshan Section in Chaohu, Anhui Province, China, which was situated in a deep part of the Lower Yangtze carbonate ramp. The δ(~(13)C) excursion shows two periods from the Permian-Triassic boundary to the lower Spathian substage, corresponding to the ecosystem undergoing evolution and recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction and related events. The first period starts at the δ(~(13)C) depletion caused by the mass extinction and evolves with a gradual δ(~(13)C) increase resulting from the development of some disaster taxa during the Induan. The strong Smithian δ(~(13)C) depletion in the second period might be formed by the collapse of the disaster ecosystem and the biotic recovery occurred with the explosive increase of bioproductivity in the Spathian. Thus the δ(~(13)C) excursion in the Lower Triassic expresses patterns of biotic evolution and recovery during the erratic ecosystem that followed the great end-Permian mass extinction.
机译:本文报道了位于中国安徽省巢湖市北平顶山断层的下三叠世无机碳同位素剖面,该剖面位于下扬子碳酸盐岩斜坡的深部。 δ(〜(13)C)偏移显示了从二叠纪-三叠纪边界到下层的Spathian子阶段的两个时期,对应于二叠纪末大灭绝和相关事件发生后生态系统的演化和恢复。第一个时期始于大规模灭绝引起的δ(〜(13)C)耗尽,并随着印度支那期间某些灾害分类的发展而逐渐增加δ(〜(13)C)。第二阶段史密斯ianδ(〜(13)C)的强烈耗竭可能是由于灾害生态系统的崩溃而造成的,而生物恢复的发生是由于沙巴虫的生物生产力的爆炸性增长。因此,下三叠纪的δ(〜(13)C)偏移表示在二叠纪末期大规模灭绝之后的不稳定生态系统中生物演化和恢复的模式。



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