首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Flood Defence vol.2; 20020910-13; Beijing(CN) >Numerical modeling of flood in Malaprabha River basin using kinematic wave model

Numerical modeling of flood in Malaprabha River basin using kinematic wave model


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Modeling flood has been always of interest to hydraulic engineers because of potential damages to life and property and to address numerous questions pertaining to design of hydraulic structures, flood defence measures, reservoir operation policies and ecosystem disturbances. It has strong bearing on socioeconomic conditions and national preparedness to hydrological disaster. In this paper, a kinematic wave model has been presented and applied to rout the flood in the river Malaprabha located in the southern part of India, which results from the upper mountainous catchment up to Khanpur in this river basin. The kinematic wave model has been solved numerically using Finite Difference Method (FDM). Flood attenuation and time lag in the peak are obtained at various sections downstream to the flood observation point to investigate the behavior of flood propagation in the river Malaprabha which has good potential to create critical flood scenarios not only in its own catchment, but also in the Krishna river basin on which many water resources development activities are existing.



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