
Initiation and mechanism of two phase debris flow


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Debris flow is the most disastrous chapter of flooding in mountainous areas. This paper reports the main experimental results of initiation of debris flow and the development of debris flow head. Video films of the experiments show that a high rolling head, composed of large gravel and boulders, is a typical character of debris flow. Debris flow may be triggered by torrential flood if the slope of the channel bed is over a critical value. In the initiation stage of a debris flow, particles are removed from the bed and roll in the front of the flow, forming a head consisting of coarse particles. High concentration of particles, up to 1100-1600 kg/m~3, was carried down the flume with the head in the experiments. The height of the debris flow head is proportional to the size of gravel. It is striking that the velocity profiles of the particles in the head are quite different from those in the main flow. The particle's velocity in the main flow is about 2 times of those in the head. The velocity profiles in the head are nearly linear and those of the main flow are more curved. The mechanism of the different velocity profiles is studied. The instantaneous velocity of small particles is higher than that of large particles but the average velocity of small particles is lower than large particles. A layer of small particles is often seen between the stagnant bed and the moving particles in the debris flows. For the same bed material, the resistance of debris flow is about 10 times higher than the normal sediment-laden flow because the collisions among the particles and between particles and the bed create a great resistance. The resistance increases with increasing diameter of solid material.
机译:泥石流是山区洪灾最灾难性的一章。本文报道了泥石流引发和泥石流压头发展的主要实验结果。实验的视频录像显示,由大砾石和巨石组成的高旋转头是泥石流的典型特征。如果河床床的坡度超过临界值,泥石流可能由洪流触发。在泥石流的起始阶段,将颗粒从床中除去,并在流的前面滚动,形成由粗颗粒组成的头部。在实验中,带头的高浓度颗粒物(高达1100-1600 kg / m〜3)被带到水槽中。碎屑流头的高度与砾石的大小成正比。令人惊讶的是,喷头中颗粒的速度分布与主流中的速度分布完全不同。主流中的粒子速度大约是头部的2倍。头部的速度曲线几乎是线性的,而主流的速度曲线则更为弯曲。研究了不同速度分布的机理。小颗粒的瞬时速度高于大颗粒,但小颗粒的平均速度低于大颗粒。通常在停滞床和碎屑流中的运动颗粒之间会看到一层小颗粒。对于相同的床层材料,由于颗粒之间以及颗粒与床层之间的碰撞会产生很大的阻力,因此碎屑流的阻力比正常的含沙流高约10倍。电阻随着固体材料直径的增加而增加。



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