首页> 外文会议>International Soil Conservation Organization Conference vol.3; 20020526-31; Beijing(CN) >Introduction on Soil Erosion Fighting Test of High-Quality American Forage Grass

Introduction on Soil Erosion Fighting Test of High-Quality American Forage Grass


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With the rapid and continuous economic growth in China, there is increased demand for improved forage-livestock systems and improved environmental protection including soil erosion control. The Three Gorges Project has increased concern related to soil erosion and sedimentation throughout the Yangtze (Changjiang) River watershed. There is a desire to develop comprehensive sustainable solutions to these problems. Part of these sustainable solutions will involve the planting of grasses and legumes to reduce soil erosion and provide forage for livestock in multiple use systems. In cooperation with Oragon Seed Council (OSC), the Yangtze soil and water conservation bureau, initiated a project aiming at testing production and soil erosion fighting capability of selected US 7 forage species from Oct., 2001. The point of this paper is to illustrate the whole process when testing, as well as discussing the performance comparison of each species. As a conclusion, such forages and legumes as perennial ryegrass and bentgrass were distinguished in greatly improving land cover, high production and better palatability to goats, thus could be adopted in soil conservation practices and forest recovery in steep-sloped farmland. The forage grass planting can tackle the problem of "fertilizer, chaff and fuel", promote the development of livestock farming, poultry and fishery and readjust the industrial set-up. On the other hand, the planting is an economic and efficient water and soil conservation measure to prevent water and soil loss and improve ecological environment. The test plot is located in the area with complicated geomorphology, sparse vegetation, weak ecological environment, loose surface structure, low erosion resistance and serious water and soil loss. The water and soil loss area accounts for 54.3% of the reservoir area, which is listed as one of the key areas of water and soil conservation in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. In order to improve the ecological environment of the Three Gorges reservoir, develop the livestock farming and speed up the of poverty relief, the Water & Soil Bureau of Yiling District (Yichang City, Hubei Province), cooperating with Oregon (America) Grass Seed Society, performed the test for the purpose of finding out the adaptability of high-quality forage grass from America in the reservoir area and the comprehensive effectiveness in water and soil conservation.
机译:随着中国经济的持续快速增长,对改善饲草-牲畜系统和改善环境保护(包括水土流失控制)的需求不断增加。 “三峡工程”引起了人们对整个长江流域水土流失和沉积的关注。有希望为这些问题开发全面的可持续解决方案。这些可持续解决方案的一部分将涉及种草和豆类植物,以减少土壤侵蚀并在多种用途的系统中为牲畜提供​​草料。长江水土保持局与Oragon种子委员会(OSC)合作,启动了一个项目,旨在从2001年10月开始测试选定的美国7种草料的生产和抗土壤侵蚀的能力。测试的整个过程,以及讨论每个物种的性能比较。结论是,多年生黑麦草和杂草等牧草和豆科植物的特点是极大地改善了土地覆盖,提高了产量并提高了对山羊的适口性,因此可用于土壤保护措施和陡坡农田的森林恢复。饲草的种植可以解决“化肥,谷壳和燃料”的问题,促进畜牧业,家禽业和渔业的发展,并调整工业结构。另一方面,种植是一种经济有效的水土保持措施,可防止水土流失和改善生态环境。该试验区位于地貌复杂,植被稀疏,生态环境薄弱,表面结构疏松,抗侵蚀性低,水土流失严重的地区。水土流失面积占库区面积的54.3%,被列为长江中下游水土保持重点地区之一。为了改善三峡水库的生态环境,发展畜牧业,加快扶贫工作,宜陵市水土局(湖北省宜昌市)与俄勒冈州(美国)草种协会合作为了找出美国优质草料在水库地区的适应性以及在水土保持方面的综合效果,进行了测试。



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