首页> 外文会议>International Soil Conservation Organization Conference vol.2; 20020526-31; Beijing(CN) >New Data Concerning Erosion Processes and Soil Management on Andosols from Ecuador and Martinique

New Data Concerning Erosion Processes and Soil Management on Andosols from Ecuador and Martinique


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Because of their remarkable physico-chemical properties andosols are considered generally as fertile soils, well aggregated and very resistant to water erosion. Nevertheless recent measurements in cropped andosols under bananas plantations in Martinique Island and cereals in Ecuador steeplands have shown that its is necessary to moderate this opinion. In Martinique Island, intensive banana crop systems could seriously damage the environment by water erosion and chemical pollution because of the use of high inputs, aggressive tropical rainfalls and steep slopes. Therefore a field study with 10 runoff plots (200 m~2) was located on 10-25-40 % slope of clay volcanic nitisol. In Ecuador, steep slopes of Andean Mountains are densely covered with little crop fields without any water management, therefore rills and gullies are abundant. 6 runoff plots (100 to 1000 m~2) of 20%-40% slope were installed in the farmers fields with traditional crop rotation (barley, beans and potatoes). In each situation, under natural forest and savannah vegetation and under well mulched crops, runoff and erosion were negligible, but as soon as soils are denuded and compacted by grazing or by farmers or desiccated by the sun, it was observed in each situation moderate increase of runoff (5% to 20% of the rain amount) and severe erosion from 80 to 150 t/ha/year. Looking to soil surface features, its was observed very few sealing crust, very stable aggregates but high susceptibility to compaction. As soon as fields have more than 15%-20% slope, runoff is collected in rills and gullies. Erosion is not a selective process because runoff is able to take off aggregated topsoil as a whole. In opposite to general opinion runoff does not increase with the slope steepness but erosion increase strongly, so that from 20%-40% slope erosion processes change from sheet and rill erosion to rill and creep erosion. Between 10 and 40 % slope, when cropped plots are mulched by crops residues or mulched by strips, runoff and erosion are insignificant. In conclusion, simple anti-erosive measures can be used by farmers when they are obliged to crop very steep hillslopes. First, to increase infiltration rate, soils must be covered by intensive cropping system including crop residues mulching. Secondly, to reduce runoff velocity and energy, grass strips and earth bunds are managed each 10 to 20 meters depending of slope steepness and soil credibility. These strips must be productive of forage, fire wood and poles for building to be acceptable for poor farmers.
机译:由于它们的出色的理化特性,因此它们通常被认为是肥沃的土壤,聚集良好并且非常耐水蚀。然而,最近对马提尼克岛的香蕉种植园和厄瓜多尔的陡峭地区的谷类作物下的作物种植的安索溶胶进行了测量,结果表明有必要缓和这种观点。在马提尼克岛,集约化的香蕉作物系统可能会因使用大量投入物,激进的热带降雨和陡峭的坡度而受到水蚀和化学污染的严重破坏。因此,在粘土火山硝石酚的坡度为10-25-40%的地方,有10个径流图样(200 m〜2)的野外研究。在厄瓜多尔,安第斯山脉的陡峭山坡上密布着几乎没有任何水管理的作物田,因此小溪和沟壑十分丰富。在具有传统农作物轮作的大麦田(大麦,豆类和土豆)上安装了6个坡度为20%-40%的径流地块(100至1000 m〜2)。在每种情况下,在天然森林和稀树草原植被下以及良好的农作物覆盖下,径流和侵蚀都可以忽略不计,但是一旦通过放牧或农民或在阳光下使土壤裸露和压实,在每种情况下观察到土壤的温和增加径流(雨量的5%至20%)和80至150吨/公顷/年的严重侵蚀。观察土壤表面特征,观察到很少有密封结皮,非常稳定的聚集体,但是对压实的敏感性很高。一旦田地的坡度超过15%-20%,就会在小溪和沟渠中收集径流。侵蚀不是选择性的过程,因为径流能够将聚集的表层土整体排出。与一般观点相反,径流不会随坡度的增加而增加,但侵蚀会急剧增加,因此坡度的侵蚀过程从20%-40%发生变化,从薄板和小孔侵蚀变为小径和蠕变侵蚀。在10%到40%的坡度之间,当作物田地被农作物残茬覆盖或被条状覆盖时,径流和侵蚀不明显。总之,当农民不得不耕种非常陡峭的山坡时,可以采用简单的抗侵蚀措施。首先,为了增加渗透率,土壤必须采用集约化耕作系统覆盖,包括覆盖农作物残茬。其次,为了降低径流速度和能源,根据坡度和土壤信誉,对草条和土堤进行每10至20米的管理。这些条必须能生产饲料,火柴和建筑用杆,以使贫穷的农民可以接受。



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