
The Cusp-Catastrophe Model of Landslide Caused by Irrigation


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According to the cusp-catastrophe theory of nonlinear science, the water-percentage of soil were regarded as the state variable, and angle of internal friction and clay grain percentage of soil were regarded as the bound variable in cusp-catastrophe model. Based on the standard equation of the cusp-catastrophe theory, the relation formula among water-percentage of soil, angle of internal friction and clay grain percentage of soil has been derived by used coordinate transform. Field data were used to verify this formula, that the results calculated from the cusp-catastrophe formula agree well with field data. The relation of ground water and irrigation water had analyzed, and the means of control landslide was been studied from control the quantity of irrigation water. The purpose of this paper is to explore the means of control landslide from the viewpoint of nonlinear science.



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