首页> 外文会议>International Soil Conservation Organization Conference vol.2; 20020526-31; Beijing(CN) >Effects of Water Use Diversion Regulation and Conservation on Sediment Transport in China's Yellow River with Comparisons from the United States

Effects of Water Use Diversion Regulation and Conservation on Sediment Transport in China's Yellow River with Comparisons from the United States


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Too much sediment and too little water are related problems in China's Yellow River Basin. Sediment yield in the basin averages about 2,100 t/(km~2·a), greatest is of the world's large rivers although the Yellow River ranks 31st in mean flow. A quarter of the sediment deposited in the 780-km lower reach, causing bed levels to rise an average of a meter per decade wang and other. Sediment aggradation along this reach is concentrated between dikes, resulting in average river-bed elevations 5 m higher, and at Xinxiang as much as 10 m higher, than surrounding bottomlands. The dikes, which have breached nearly 1,600 times in the last 24 centuries, reduce the threat of flooding for 85-million people on 120,000 km~2 in five provinces of northeastern China (Decun, undated). This paper addresses some environmental and social factors related to this problem, and provides descriptions of two United States rivers that exhibit some analogous responses, albeit not to the extent of those associated with the Yellow River, "China's Sorrow".
机译:黄河流域的泥沙过多和水量少是相关的问题。流域的泥沙平均产量约为2,100 t /(km〜2·a),尽管黄河的平均流量排名第31,但最大的是世界大河。四分之一的沉积物沉积在780公里的下游,导致河床水位平均每十年增加一米。沿河段的泥沙淤积集中在堤坝之间,导致河床的平均海拔比周围的底地高5 m,而在新乡,则高出10 m。在过去的24个世纪中,堤坝已破损1600次,减少了东北五省(Decun,未注明日期)在120000 km〜2上的8500万人的洪灾威胁。本文讨论了与此问题相关的一些环境和社会因素,并提供了对两条美国河流的描述,这些河流表现出类似的反应,尽管程度不及与“中国的悲伤”黄河有关的程度。



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