
Air-borne and Surface Mold Reduction UsingOzonated Air Treatment


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In recent years, mold contamination of dwellings, schools andrnworkplaces has become a major issue. Heavy populations of moldrnwithin a building can cause serious health problems for somernindividuals. Removal of mold is a multi-million dollar a year businessrninvolving insurance adjusters, certified industrial hygienists,rnenvironmental engineers and restoration specialists.rnThis paper will present certified performance results for the treatmentrnof mold and mildew with ozonated air. Registered professionalrnindividuals and firms using certified industrial hygienists identify thernspecific types, quantities and locations of mold "before use of ozone"rnthen make identical tests (take samples) in the same locations "afterrnozone has been used". This is followed by a report evidencing allrncertified test results and other pertinent information for each job.rnFurther, this paper will detail design calculations, installation practicesrnand recommend treatment approach and performance test protocol forrnuse with ozonated air treatment applications to support the successfulrnand documented remediation of mold.



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