首页> 外文会议>International Landscape Architecture Symposium of China, Japan and Korea; 20051030-1101; Shanghai(CN) >Benefit-cost Analysis on Tending and Administration of 4 Major Species Planted as Street Trees in Kunming Urban Area

Benefit-cost Analysis on Tending and Administration of 4 Major Species Planted as Street Trees in Kunming Urban Area


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A quantitative benefit—cost analysis on tending and administration of four major species street trees, i.e. Platanus spp., Ficus concinna, Grevillea robusta, and Ginkgo biloba in the urban area of Kunming city was made for the year of 2004, based on field investigation and application of the corresponding database established by Center for Urban Forest Research in Davis, USDA. In consequence, the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of each tree species in 2004 was obtained by calculating the annual monetary value of the comprehensive benefits produced by street tree population of each species and the annual total cost for tending and management of the street trees separately. The result showed that the BCR of each species was greater than 1, indicating the monetary value of the comprehensive benefits produced by each of these four species was more than that of the total cost, which meant that it was profitable to cultivate these species as street trees in Kunming. The order of the BCR values of these four species in 2004 was Platanus spp.(8.107) > Ficus concinna(2.579) > Ginkgo biloba( 1.543) > Grevillea robusta(1.055).
机译:根据实地调查,对昆明市区2004年的桔梗,无花果榕,强壮的灰树和银杏等四种主要树种的抚育和管理进行了成本效益分析。和美国农业部戴维斯城市森林研究中心建立的相应数据库的应用。结果,通过计算每种树种的树种种群产生的综合效益的年度货币价值以及树种的抚育和管理的年度总成本,得出了2004年每种树种的效益成本比(BCR)。分别。结果表明,每个物种的BCR均大于1,表明这四个物种所产生的综合效益的货币价值均大于总成本,这意味着将这些物种作为街头种植是有利可图的。昆明的树木。 2004年这4个物种的BCR值的顺序依次为:悬铃木(8.107)>榕榕(2.579)>银杏(1.543)>稳健的Grevillea(1.055)。



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