首页> 外文会议>International Congress on Earth Science, Exploration and Mining Around the Pacific Rim 10 - 13 October 1999 Bali, Indonesia >The Location and Extent of Volcanic Massive Sulphide and Manto-Type Copper Deposits in the Cretaceous Volcanic Arcs in the Peruvian Andes

The Location and Extent of Volcanic Massive Sulphide and Manto-Type Copper Deposits in the Cretaceous Volcanic Arcs in the Peruvian Andes


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Cretaceous volcanic activity (Hauterivian Albian) in the Peruvian Andes can be found along the coast of Peru and the western edge of the Andes mountains between 15deg30'S and 5deg30'S, extending discontinuously in south to Chile and north to Ecuador and Colombia. This volcanic activity formed in three aborted martinal basins; the NNW-trending volcanic Canete and Huarmey, and NNE-trending Lancones basins. These volcanic rocks are predominantly andesitic and basalitc in composition, of calc-alkaline and tholeiite affinity with subordinate dactic and rhyolitic rocks. One notable feature is the appearance of "ocoitas"~+ from Ica (14degS) south to Santiago de Chile. These rocks have a calc-alkaline to alkaline affinity.
机译:秘鲁安第斯山脉的白垩纪火山活动(Hauterivian Albian)沿秘鲁海岸和安第斯山脉的西边缘(介于15deg30's和5deg30's之间)发现,不连续地向南延伸至智利,向北延伸至厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚。这种火山活动是在三个流产的陷盆地形成的。 NNW趋势的火山Canete和Huarmey,以及NNE趋势的Lancones盆地。这些火山岩的成分主要为安山岩和玄武岩,钙碱性和菱镁矿与下级的定向流纹岩和流纹岩形成亲和力。一个值得注意的特征是从伊卡(14degS)以南到智利圣地亚哥的“ ocoitas”〜+的出现。这些岩石具有对碱性的钙碱性亲和力。



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