
Automating the Design of Cold Roll Forming Roll Sets


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The design of cold roll forming roll tools, roll geometry and the number of tool sets, can typically be referred to as experiential design. Within a multi-occupant design office there will normally, for the same sectional profile, be as many different designs as there are designers. This variation in design results in a lack of design consistency and hence makes the process of developing design understanding, increasing profile complexity, maintaining quality, and roll tool predictability very difficult. This paper contains an explanation of the approach taken within the Hadley Group to identify the discrete steps associated with roll tool set design. To implement methods to standardise these steps including strip width and clearance calculations. With appropriate design steps standardised an explanation is provided as to how elements of this design process is automated leading to a system of assisted design for roll tool sets. The results, including increased design capacity, of the assisted roll design after being incorporated into the design office are discussed.



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