首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics; 200308; Beijing(CN) >Public health research in Latin America and the Caribbean: a bibliometric analysis of the literature

Public health research in Latin America and the Caribbean: a bibliometric analysis of the literature


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The purpose of the study was to establish a quantitative analysis of the literature production on public health research in the Latin American and Caribbean regions for the period 1980-2002. A free-text literature search was conducted in LILACS-SP (The Pan American Health Organisation' Latin American and Caribbean Health Literature Database on Public Health) to identify the literature distribution by country. Microsoft Excel (2000) and Bibexcel (2001) were used to analyse the following: (a) production distribution throughout the period of study; (b) distribution by type of documents; and (c) subject content of documents. Twelve countries out of 38, producing from one to five thousand documents each, were selected. This approach excluded Brazil, with over 11,000 (27.30%) records. Selected countries were Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Panama; Ecuador, Cuba, and Nicaragua. These countries produced 24,737 (59.46%) documents for the period of study. Results indicated a consolidation of the literature production in the late 1990s. Main documents corresponded to journal articles (44.48%); books or technical reports (27.07%); and conference papers (14.67%). Salud Publica Mex was the leading journal in the field, with 935 (08.50%) records. A broad pattern of the content of public health research in the regions was found. This was characterized by studies related mainly to health services, mortality, and health policy issues. Such studies involved mainly adult females and males. Most of these studies were conducted in and related to Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Argentina. Further lines of research are described by the author.
机译:该研究的目的是对1980-2002年间拉丁美洲和加勒比地区公共卫生研究的文献资料进行定量分析。在LILACS-SP(泛美卫生组织的拉丁美洲和加勒比公共卫生健康文献数据库)中进行了自由文本文献检索,以查明各个国家的文献分布。 Microsoft Excel(2000)和Bibexcel(2001)用于分析以下内容:(a)在整个研究期间的生产分布; (b)按文件类型分配; (c)文件的主题内容。在38个国家中,选择了12个国家,每个国家制作一千至五千个文档。这种方法不包括巴西,记录超过11,000(27.30%)。所选国家为墨西哥,智利,阿根廷,哥伦比亚,委内瑞拉,秘鲁,哥斯达黎加,玻利维亚,巴拿马;厄瓜多尔,古巴和尼加拉瓜。这些国家在研究期间共生产了24,737(59.46%)个文件。结果表明1990年代后期文献的合并。主要文件对应期刊论文(44.48%);书籍或技术报告(27.07%);和会议论文(14.67%)。 Salud Publica Mex是该领域的领先期刊,拥有935条记录(08.50%)。发现了该地区公共卫生研究内容的广泛模式。其特点是主要与卫生服务,死亡率和卫生政策问题有关的研究。这些研究主要涉及成年女性和男性。这些研究大多数在墨西哥,智利,哥伦比亚和阿根廷进行,并与之有关。作者描述了进一步的研究方向。



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