首页> 外文会议>International Conference on OCEANS'15 MTS/IEEE Washington >Deployment and recovery of a full-ocean depth mooring at Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench

Deployment and recovery of a full-ocean depth mooring at Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench

机译:在Mariana Trench的Challenger Deep部署并恢复全海深层系泊设备

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We present the details of a unique deep-ocean instrument package and mooring that was deployed at Challenger Deep (10,984 m) in the Marianas Trench. The mooring is 45 m in length and consists of a hydrophone, RBR??? pressure and temperature loggers, nine Vitrovex?? glass spheres and a mast with a satellite beacon for recovery. The mooring was deployed in January and recovered in March 2015 using the USCG Cutter Sequoia. The pressure logger recorded a maximum pressure of 10,956.8 decibars, for a depth of 10,646.1 m. To our knowledge, this is only the fourth in situ measurement of depth ever made at Challenger Deep. The hydrophone recorded for ???1 hour and stopped shortly after descending to a depth of 1,785 m (temperature of 2.4??C). The record at this depth is dominated by the sound of the Sequoia's engines and propellers.
机译:我们将介绍在马里亚纳斯海沟的Challenger Deep(10,984 m)处部署的独特深海仪器套件和系泊设备的详细信息。系泊长度为45 m,由水听器RBR组成。压力和温度记录仪,九台Vitrovex?玻璃球和带有卫星信标的桅杆用于恢复。系泊设备于1月部署,并于2015年3月使用USCG Cutter红杉公司进行了修复。压力记录仪记录的最大压力为10956.8分贝,深度为10646.1 m。据我们所知,这只是Challenger Deep进行的深度的第四次现场测量。水听器记录了1小时,并下降到1785m的深度(温度为2.4℃)后不久就停止了。红杉引擎和螺旋桨的声音主导着这一深度的记录。



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