首页> 外文会议>International conference on measurement and modeling of computer systems 2010 >A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Networks with Constant Overhead and Arbitrary Binary Interference

A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Networks with Constant Overhead and Arbitrary Binary Interference


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This work investigates distributed transmission scheduling in wireless networks. Due to interference constraints, "neighboring links" cannot be simultaneously activated, otherwise transmissions will fail. Hereafter, we consider any binary model of interference. We follow the model described by Bui, Sanghavi, and Srikant in [3]. We assume. There are two phases during each slot: first the control phase which determines what links will be activated next, followed by a transmission phase during which data is transmitted. We assume random arrivals of data (packets) on each link during each slot, so that a buffer (queue) is associated to each link. It takes exactly one time slot to transmit a packet on a link. Since nodes do not have a global knowledge of the network, our aim (like in [3]) is to design for the control phase a distributed algorithm which identifies a set of non-interfering links.



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