
Describing Gen/Kill Static Analysis Techniques with Kleene Algebra

机译:用Kleene代数描述Gen / Kill静态分析技术

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Static program analysis consists of compile-time techniques for determining properties of programs without actually running them. Using Kleene algebra, we formalize four instances of a static data flow analysis technique known as gen/kill analysis. This formalization clearly reveals the dualities between the four instances; although these dualities are known, the standard formalization does not reveal them in such a clear and concise manner. We provide two equivalent sets of equations characterizing the four analyses for two representations of programs, one in which the statements label the nodes of a control flow graph and one in which the statements label the transitions.
机译:静态程序分析由编译时技术组成,这些技术用于确定程序的属性而无需实际运行它们。使用Kleene代数,我们将称为gen / kill分析的静态数据流分析技术的四个实例形式化。这种形式化清楚地揭示了这四个实例之间的对偶。尽管这些对偶是已知的,但是标准形式化并没有以这种清晰简洁的方式揭示它们。我们提供了两个等价的方程组,分别描述了两种表示形式的四种分析方法,一种表示语句标记控制流程图的节点,另一种表示语句标记过渡。



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