首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Internet Computing IC'02 Vol.3, Jun 24-27, 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA >Evolution of market mechanism through a continuous space of auction-types II: Two-sided auction mechanisms evolve in response to market shocks

Evolution of market mechanism through a continuous space of auction-types II: Two-sided auction mechanisms evolve in response to market shocks


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This paper describes the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to find optimal settings for trading agents that operate in virtual "c-marketplaces", where the rules of the marketplaces are also under simultaneous control of the GA. The aim is to use the GA to automatically design new agent-based e-marketplaces that are more efficient than markets designed by (or populated by) humans. Das et al. (2001) recently demonstrated that ZIP software-agent traders consistently outperform human traders in Continuous Double Auction (CDA) marketplaces. Cliff (2001b) used a GA to explore a continuous space of auction mechanisms, with ZIP traders simultaneously evolving to operate efficiently in these evolved markets. The space of possible auction-types explored includes the CDA and also two purely one-sided mechanisms. Surprisingly, the GA did not settle on the CDA. Instead, in two experiments, optima were found at a one-sided auction mechanism; and in a third experiment a novel hybrid auction mechanism partway between the CDA and a one-sided auction was evolved. This paper extends that research by studying the auction mechanisms that evolve when the market supply and demand schedules undergo a sudden "shock" change half-way through the evaluation process. It is shown that hybrid market mechanisms (again partway between the CDA and a one-sided mechanism) can evolve in place of the one-sided so-lutions that evolve when there are no market shocks. Furthermore it is demonstrated that the precise nature of the hybrid auction that evolves is dependent on the nature of the shock. These results indicate that the evolution of one-sided mechanisms reported by Cliff (2001b) is an artefact of using single fixed schedules, and that in general two-sided auctions will evolve. These two-sided auctions may be hybrids unlike any human-designed auction and yet may also be significantly more efficient than any human designed market mechanism.
机译:本文介绍了使用遗传算法(GA)查找在虚拟“ c-marketplace”中交易的代理商的最佳设置,在这些交易中,市场规则也在GA的同时控制之下。目的是使用Google Analytics(分析)自动设计新的基于代理的电子市场,该市场比人工设计(或填充)的市场效率更高。 Das等。 (2001年)最近证明,在连续双拍卖(CDA)市场中,ZIP软件代理交易员始终优于人类交易员。 Cliff(2001b)使用GA来探索拍卖机制的连续空间,ZIP交易者同时发展以在这些不断发展的市场中有效运作。探索的可能拍卖类型的空间包括CDA以及两个纯粹的单面机制。令人惊讶的是,GA没有解决CDA。相反,在两个实验中,在单边拍卖机制中发现了最优值。在第三个实验中,开发了一种介于CDA和单面拍卖之间的新型混合拍卖机制。本文通过研究在市场供需计划在评估过程中途经历突然的“冲击”变化时发生的拍卖机制来扩展该研究。研究表明,混合市场机制(又在CDA和单边机制之间)可以代替没有市场冲击时产生的单边解决方案。此外,证明了发展的混合拍卖的精确性质取决于冲击的性质。这些结果表明,Cliff(2001b)报告的单边机制的演变是使用单一固定时间表的伪像,并且通常来说,单边拍卖也会发展。与任何人为设计的拍卖不同,这些双面拍卖可能是混合的,但也可能比任何人为设计的市场机制效率更高。



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