
Color holography: its history, state-of-the-art and future


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The first methods for recording color holograms were established in the early 1960s. Leith and Upatnieks proposed multicolor wavefront reconstruction and Denisyuk introduced the single-beam reflection holography technique which is most suitable for recording color holograms today. Reviewed is the history of color holography highlighting important milestones. The current state-of-the-art of color holography is presented including the recording techniques using red, green and blue laser wavelengths. The laser wavelength selection issue is presented using computer simulation, showing that more than three wavelengths may be needed for accurate color rendition in holograms. The recording material is a key factor very important for creating high-quality color holograms. Covered are both the demand on the material and suitable products currently on the market. The future of color holography is highly dependent on the availability of improved panchromatic recording materials and suitable light sources for displaying the holograms. Small laser diodes as well as powerful white LEDs and OLEDs with very limited source diameters are important for color holography to become an important 3D display medium.
机译:最早记录彩色全息图的方法是在1960年代初期建立的。 Leith和Upatnieks提出了多色波阵面重建,Denisyuk提出了单光束反射全息技术,该技术最适合于当今记录彩色全息图。回顾了彩色全息术的历史,突出了重要的里程碑。介绍了当前彩色全息的最新技术,包括使用红色,绿色和蓝色激光波长的记录技术。激光波长选择问题是通过计算机模拟提出的,显示出要在全息图中进行精确的颜色再现,可能需要三个以上的波长。记录材料是创建高质量彩色全息图非常重要的关键因素。涵盖了对材料的需求以及当前市场上合适的产品。彩色全息术的未来高度依赖于改进的全色记录材料的可用性以及用于显示全息图的合适光源。光源直径非常有限的小型激光二极管以及功能强大的白光LED和OLED对于彩色全息图成为重要的3D显示介质至关重要。



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