
GRIDS, Databases, and Information Systems Engineering Research


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GRID technology, emerging in the late nineties, has evolved from a metacomputing architecture towards a pervasive computation and information utility. However, the architectural developments echo strongly the computational origins and information systems engineering aspects have received scant attention. The development within the GRID community of the W3C-inspired OGSA indicates a willingness to move in a direction more suited to the wider end user requirements. In particular the OGSA/DAI initiative provides a web-services level interface to databases. In contrast to this stream of development, early architectural ideas for a more general GRIDs environment articulated in UK in 1999 have recently been more widely accepted, modified, evolved and enhanced by a group of experts working under the auspices of the new EC DGINFSO F2 (GRIDs) Unit. The resulting report on 'Next Generation GRIDs' was published in June 2003 and is released by the EC as an adjunct to the FP6 Call for Proposals Documentation. The report proposes the need for a wealth of research in all aspects of information systems engineering, within which the topics of advanced distributed parallel multimedia heterogeneous database systems with greater representativity and expressivity have some prominence. Topics such as metadata, security, trust, persistence, performance, scalability are all included. This represents a huge opportunity for the database community, particularly in Europe.
机译:在九十年代末期出现的GRID技术已经从元计算体系结构发展成为普及的计算和信息实用程序。但是,体系结构的发展强烈地回响了计算的起源,而信息系统工程方面却很少受到关注。受W3C启发的OGSA在GRID社区内的发展表明,它愿意朝着更适合最终用户需求的方向发展。特别是,OGSA / DAI计划为数据库提供了Web服务级别的界面。与这种发展潮流形成鲜明对比的是,在新的EC DGINFSO F2的主持下,一组专家最近更广泛地接受,修改,发展和增强了1999年在英国提出的更为通用的GRID环境的早期建筑构想( GRIDs)单位。结果报告“下一代GRID”已于2003年6月发布,并作为FP6提案征集文档的附件由EC发布。该报告提出需要在信息系统工程的各个方面进行大量研究,在这些研究中,具有更高表示性和表达性的高级分布式并行多媒体异构数据库系统的主题具有突出意义。包括诸如元数据,安全性,信任,持久性,性能,可伸缩性等主题。对于数据库社区,尤其是在欧洲,这代表了巨大的机会。



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