
Pull-out mechanisms of twisted steel fibers embedded in concrete


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This paper describes some of the parameters leading to the unique bond behavior of newly developed steel fibers, called Torex fibers, which are polygonal in cross section and twisted along their length. Pull-out tests, whereby a single fiber is pulled out from a cementitious matrix, are used to study the bond behavior of these fibers. The results of several series of pull-out tests are described and analyzed based on the following parameters: 1) the cross-sectional shape of the fiber, that is, a triangular or a square cross section, 2) the number of ribs (induced by twisting) per unit length of fiber, 3) the compressive strength of the matrix (from 10 to 50 MPa) and the tensile strength of the fiber, and 4) the embedded length of the fiber. Some comparison with smooth and hooked steel fibers is also provided. The high efficiency of the new fibers implies that a lesser volume of them is needed to achieve a certain level of composite performance. It is concluded that the new fibers are also a key to advancing the development of both strong and ductile high performance fiber reinforced cement composites
机译:本文介绍了一些参数,这些参数可导致新开发的钢纤维(称为Torex纤维)具有独特的粘结性能,这些纤维的横截面为多边形,并沿长度方向扭曲。使用拉出试验从水泥基体中拉出单根纤维,以研究这些纤维的粘结性能。根据以下参数描述和分析了一系列拉拔测试的结果:1)纤维的横截面形状,即三角形或正方形横截面; 2)肋的数量(诱导的)通过加捻)每单位长度的纤维,3)基体的抗压强度(从10到50 MPa)和纤维的拉伸强度,和4)纤维的包埋长度。还提供了与光滑和钩状钢纤维的一些比较。新纤维的高效率意味着需要较少的纤维量才能达到一定水平的复合性能。结论是,新型纤维也是促进发展高强度和延展性高性能纤维增强水泥复合材料的关键



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